138 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSTrip OdometerThe trip odometer shows how far thevehicle has been driven since the tripodometer was last reset.The trip odometer is accessed andreset through the Driver InformationCentre (DIC). See Driver InformationCentre (DIC) 0 150.Rev CounterThe tachometer displays the enginespeed in revolutions per minute (rpm).Fuel GaugeBalanced ConfigurationWhen the ignition is on, the fuelgauge indicates about how much fuelis left in the tank.There is an arrow near the fuel gaugepointing to the side of the vehicle thefuel door is on.When the indicator nears empty, thelow fuel light comes on. There still isa little fuel left, but the vehicle shouldbe refuelled soon.Here are four things that some ownersask about. None of these show aproblem with the fuel gauge:. At the service station, the fuelpump shuts off before the gaugereads full.. It takes a little more or less fuel tofill up than the gauge indicated.For example, the gauge may haveindicated the tank was half full,but it actually took a little more orless than half the tank's capacityto fill the tank.. The gauge moves a little whileturning a corner or speeding up.. The gauge takes a few seconds tostabilise after the ignition isturned on and goes back to emptywhen the ignition is turned off.