146 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSTraction Off LightThis light comes on briefly whilestarting the engine. If it does not,have the vehicle serviced by yourdealer. If the system is workingnormally, the indicator light thenturns off.The traction off light comes on whenthe Traction Control System (TCS) hasbeen turned off by pressing andreleasing the TCS/StabiliTrak button.This light and the StabiliTrak OFFlight come on when StabiliTrak isturned off.If the TCS is off, wheel spin is notlimited. Adjust driving accordingly.See Traction Control/Electronic StabilityControl 0 221.StabiliTrak OFF LightThis light comes on briefly whilestarting the engine. If it does not,have the vehicle serviced by yourdealer.This light comes on when theStabiliTrak system is turned off.If StabiliTrak is off, the TractionControl System (TCS) is also off.If StabiliTrak and TCS are off, thesystem does not assist in controllingthe vehicle. Turn on the TCS and theStabiliTrak systems, and the warninglight turns off.See Traction Control/Electronic StabilityControl 0 221.Traction Control System(TCS)/StabiliTrak LightThis light comes on briefly when theengine is started.If the light does not come on, havethe vehicle serviced by your dealer.If the system is working normally, theindicator light turns off.If the light is on and not flashing, theTCS and potentially the StabiliTraksystem have been disabled. A DriverInformation Centre (DIC) messagemay display. Check the DIC messagesto determine which feature(s) is nolonger functioning and whether thevehicle requires service.If the light is on and flashing, the TCSand/or the StabiliTrak system isactively working.