220 DRIVING AND OPERATINGIf the 8 light is on, press the EPBswitch and hold it. Continue to holdthe switch until the Y light remainson. If the 8 light remains on, see yourretailer.If the EPB is applied while the vehicleis moving, the vehicle will decelerateas long as the switch is pressed. If theswitch is pressed until the vehiclecomes to a stop, the EPB will remainapplied.The vehicle may automatically applythe EPB in some situations when thevehicle is not moving. This is normal,and is done to periodically check thecorrect operation of the EPB system.If the EPB fails to apply, block the rearwheels to prevent vehicle movement.EPB ReleaseTo release the EPB:1. Turn the ignition on or to ACC/ACCESSORY.2. Apply and hold the brake pedal.3. Press the EPB switchmomentarily.The EPB is released when the Ylight is off.If the 8 light is on, release the EPB bypressing and holding the EPB switch.Continue to hold the switch untilthe Y light is off. If either light stayson after release is attempted, see yourdealer.CautionDriving with the parking brake oncan overheat the brake system andcause premature wear or damage tobrake system parts. Make sure thatthe parking brake is fully releasedand the brake warning light is offbefore driving.Automatic EPB ReleaseThe EPB will automatically release ifthe vehicle is running, placed intogear and an attempt is made to driveaway. Avoid rapid acceleration whenthe EPB is applied, to preserve parkingbrake lining life.Brake AssistThe Brake Assist feature is designed toassist the driver in stopping ordecreasing vehicle speed in emergencydriving conditions. This feature usesthe stability system hydraulic brakecontrol module to supplement thepower brake system under conditionswhere the driver has quickly andforcefully applied the brake pedal inan attempt to quickly stop or slowdown the vehicle. The stability systemhydraulic brake control moduleincreases brake pressure at eachcorner of the vehicle until the ABSactivates. Minor brake pedal pulsationor pedal movement during this time isnormal and the driver should continueto apply the brake pedal as the drivingsituation dictates. The Brake Assistfeature will automatically disengagewhen the brake pedal is released orbrake pedal pressure is quicklydecreased.