VEHICLE CARE 325on it. If the vehicle has four-wheeldrive and a different size spare tyre isinstalled, only drive in two-wheeldrive.After installing the spare tyre on thevehicle, stop as soon as possible andcheck that the spare tyre is correctlyinflated.Have the damaged or flat road tyrerepaired or replaced and installedback onto the vehicle as soon aspossible so the spare tyre will beavailable in case it is needed again.Do not mix tyres and wheels ofdifferent sizes, because they will notfit. Keep your spare tyre and its wheeltogether. If the vehicle has a spare tyrethat does not match the original roadtyres and wheels in size and type, donot include the spare in the tyrerotation.Jump StartingFor more information about thevehicle battery, see Battery 0 282.If the vehicle's battery (or batteries)has run down, you may want to useanother vehicle and some jumpercables to start your vehicle. Be sure touse the following steps to do it safely.{ WarningBatteries can hurt you. They can bedangerous because:. They contain acid that canburn you.. They contain gas that canexplode or ignite.. They contain enoughelectricity to burn you.If you do not follow these stepsexactly, some or all of these thingscan hurt you.CautionIgnoring these steps could result incostly damage to the vehicle thatwould not be covered by the vehiclewarranty. Trying to start the vehicleby pushing or pulling it will notwork, and it could damage thevehicle.1. Check the other vehicle. It musthave a 12-volt battery with anegative ground system.CautionIf the other vehicle does not have a12-volt system with a negativeground, both vehicles can bedamaged. Only use a vehicle thathas a 12-volt system with anegative ground for jump starting.2. If the vehicle is equipped withdual batteries, using the batterythat is closer to the starter willreduce electrical resistance. This