SEATS AND RESTRAINTS 85Driver Side Shown, Passenger SideSimilarThe roof-rail airbags for the driver,front outboard passenger, and secondand third row outboard passengers arein the ceiling above the side windows.{ WarningIf something is between anoccupant and an airbag, the airbagmight not inflate properly or itmight force the object into thatperson causing severe injury oreven death. The path of an inflating(Continued)Warning (Continued)airbag must be kept clear. Do notput anything between an occupantand an airbag, and do not attach orput anything on the steering wheelhub or on or near any other airbagcovering.Do not use seat or consoleaccessories that block the inflationpath of a seat-mounted side impactairbag or the front centre airbag.Never secure anything to the roof ofa vehicle with roof-rail airbags byrouting a rope or tie-down throughany door or window opening. If youdo, the path of an inflating roof-railairbag will be blocked.When Should an AirbagInflate?This vehicle is equipped with airbags.See Air-Bag System 0 82. Airbags aredesigned to inflate if the impactexceeds the specific airbag system'sdeployment threshold. Deploymentthresholds are used to predict howsevere a crash is likely to be in timefor the airbags to inflate and helprestrain the occupants. The vehiclehas electronic sensors that help theairbag system determine the severityof the impact. Deployment thresholdscan vary with specific vehicle design.Frontal airbags are designed to inflatein moderate to severe frontal or nearfrontal crashes to help reduce thepotential for severe injuries, mainly tothe driver's or front outboardpassenger's head and chest.Whether the frontal airbags will orshould inflate is not based primarilyon how fast the vehicle is travelling.It depends on what is hit, thedirection of the impact, and howquickly the vehicle slows down.Frontal airbags may inflate atdifferent crash speeds depending onwhether the vehicle hits an objectstraight on or at an angle, andwhether the object is fixed or moving,rigid or deformable, narrow or wide.