Black plate (66,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 201110-66 Vehicle CareSome commercial truck tires maynot have treadwear indicators.See Tire Inspection on page 10‑64and Tire Rotation on page 10‑64for additional information.The rubber in tires ages over time.This is also true for the spare tire,if the vehicle has one, even if it isnot being used. Multiple conditionsaffect how fast this aging takesplace, including temperatures,loading conditions, and inflationpressure maintenance. Tires willtypically need to be replaced dueto wear before they may need to bereplaced due to age. Consult the tiremanufacturer for more informationon when tires should be replaced.Vehicle StorageTires age when stored normallymounted on a parked vehicle.Park a vehicle that will be storedfor at least a month in a cool, dry,clean area away from direct sunlightto slow aging. This area should befree of grease, gasoline or othersubstances that can deterioraterubber.Parking for an extended periodcan cause flat spots on the tiresthat may result in vibrations whiledriving. When storing a vehicle forat least a month, remove the tiresor raise the vehicle to reduce theweight from the tires.Buying New TiresGM has developed and matchedspecific tires for your vehicle.The original equipment tiresinstalled on your vehicle, when itwas new, were designed to meetGeneral Motors Tire PerformanceCriteria Specification (TPC Spec)system rating. If you needreplacement tires, GM stronglyrecommends that you get tireswith the same TPC Spec rating.This way, your vehicle will continueto have tires that are designed togive the same performance andvehicle safety, during normal use,as the original tires.