Black plate (68,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20119-68 Driving and OperatingFilling the Tank{ WARNINGFuel vapor burns violently and afuel fire can cause bad injuries.To help avoid injuries to you andothers, read and follow all theinstructions on the fuel pumpisland. Turn off the engine whenrefueling. Do not smoke near fuelor when refueling the vehicle.Do not use cellular phones. Keepsparks, flames, and smokingmaterials away from fuel. Do notleave the fuel pump unattendedwhen refueling the vehicle. This isagainst the law in some places.Do not re-enter the vehicle whilepumping fuel. Keep children awayfrom the fuel pump; never letchildren pump fuel.The tethered fuel cap is locatedbehind a hinged fuel door on thedriver side of the vehicle. If thevehicle has E85 fuel capability, thefuel cap will be yellow and statethat E85 or gasoline can be used.See Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol) onpage 9‑66.To open the fuel door, push therearward center edge in and releaseand it will open.To remove the fuel cap, turn itslowly counterclockwise. The fuelcap has a spring in it; if the cap isreleased too soon, it will spring backto the right.While refueling, hang the tetheredfuel cap from the hook on thefuel door.