Black plate (54,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20113-54 Seats and RestraintsQ: Because I have a disability,I have to get my vehiclemodified. How can I find outwhether this will affect myairbag system?A: If you have questions,call Customer Assistance.The phone numbers andaddresses for CustomerAssistance are in Step Twoof the Customer SatisfactionProcedure in this manual.See Customer SatisfactionProcedure (U.S. and Canada) onpage 13‑1 or CustomerSatisfaction Procedure (Mexico)on page 13‑3.In addition, your dealer and theservice manual have informationabout the location of the airbagsensors, sensing and diagnosticmodule and airbag wiring.Airbag System CheckThe airbag system does not needregularly scheduled maintenanceor replacement. Make sure theairbag readiness light is working.See Airbag Readiness Light onpage 5‑16 for more information.Notice: If an airbag covering isdamaged, opened, or broken, theairbag may not work properly.Do not open or break the airbagcoverings. If there are anyopened or broken airbag covers,have the airbag covering and/orairbag module replaced. For thelocation of the airbag modules,see What Makes an AirbagInflate? on page 3‑45. See yourdealer for service.Replacing Airbag SystemParts After a Crash{ WARNINGA crash can damage the airbagsystems in your vehicle.A damaged airbag systemmay not work properly andmay not protect you and yourpassenger(s) in a crash, resultingin serious injury or even death.To help make sure your airbagsystems are working properlyafter a crash, have theminspected and any necessaryreplacements made as soonas possible.