Black plate (12,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 201110-12 Vehicle CareIt is possible that, if driving underthe best conditions, the oil lifesystem might indicate that an oilchange is not necessary for up to ayear. The engine oil and filter mustbe changed at least once a yearand, at this time, the system mustbe reset. Your dealer has trainedservice people who will performthis work and reset the system.It is also important to check theoil regularly over the course of anoil drain interval and keep it at theproper level.If the system is ever resetaccidentally, the oil must bechanged at 5 000 km (3,000 miles)since the last oil change.Remember to reset the oil lifesystem whenever the oil is changed.How to Reset the Engine OilLife SystemReset the system whenever theengine oil is changed so that thesystem can calculate the nextengine oil change. Always resetthe engine oil life to 100% afterevery oil change. It will not resetitself. To reset the system:1. Display OIL LIFE REMAININGon the DIC.2. Press and hold the SET/RESETbutton on the DIC for more thanfive seconds. The oil life willchange to 100%.If the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage comes back on when thevehicle is started, the engine oil lifesystem has not reset. Repeat theprocedure.Automatic TransmissionFluidWhen to Check and ChangeAutomatic Transmission FluidIt is usually not necessary tocheck the transmission fluid level.The only reason for fluid loss is atransmission leak or overheatingthe transmission. If a small leak issuspected, then use the followingchecking procedures to check thefluid level. However, if there is alarge leak, then it may be necessaryto have the vehicle towed to adealer service department and haveit repaired before driving the vehiclefurther.Notice: Use of the incorrectautomatic transmission fluidmay damage the vehicle, and thedamages may not be covered bythe vehicle's warranty. Alwaysuse the automatic transmissionfluid listed in RecommendedFluids and Lubricants onpage 11‑7.