Once two remote starts or a single start with a timeextension have been used, the vehicle must be startedwith the keyless access ignition control knob beforeyou can use the remote start feature again.The remote start feature will not operate if any of thefollowing occur:• The ignition is in any position other than LOCK/OFF.• A keyless access transmitter is inside the vehicle.• The hood is open.• There is an emission control system malfunction.• The remote start feature is not enabled. See“Remote Start” under DIC Vehicle Customization onpage 3-68.The engine will turn off during a remote vehicle start ifthe coolant temperature gets too high, or the oil pressureis too low.Your vehicle was shipped from the factory with theremote vehicle start system enabled. The system maybe disabled through the Driver Information Center (DIC).See “Remote Start” under DIC Vehicle Customizationon page 3-68 for additional information.See Engine Exhaust on page 2-47 for important safetyinformation when using remote start in a closedgarage.Remote Start ReadyIf your vehicle does not have the remote vehicle startfeature, it may have the remote start ready feature. Thisfeature allows your dealer/retailer to add themanufacturer’s remote vehicle start feature. See yourdealer/retailer if you would like to add the manufacturer’sremote vehicle start feature to your vehicle.2-16