The level one or lowest setting is at the bottom of theband. This setting lets more rain or snow collect on thewindshield between wipes. Turn the delay bandforward to a higher setting to let less rain or snow collecton the windshield between wipes.The top position is the highest setting. A single wipeoccurs each time the delay band is turned to a highersetting to indicate that the Rainsense™ ® level has beenincreased.Notice: Going through an automatic car wash withthe wipers on can damage them. Turn the wipersoff when going through an automatic car wash.The mist and wash cycles operate as normal and arenot affected by the Rainsense™ function. TheRainsense™ system can be overridden at any time bymanually changing the wiper control to low or highspeed. The system will default to normal time delayoperation if the Rainsensor detects something that wouldaffect Rainsense™ operation.When Rainsense™ is active, the headlamps turn onautomatically. If it is dark, they remain on. See“Wiper-Activated Headlamps” under Wiper ActivatedHeadlamps on page 3-17 for more information.Notice: Do not place stickers or other items onthe exterior glass surface directly in front ofthe moisture sensor. Doing this could cause themoisture sensor to malfunction.Windshield Washer{CAUTION:In freezing weather, do not use your washeruntil the windshield is warmed. Otherwise thewasher fluid can form ice on the windshield,blocking your vision.K (Washer Fluid): Press the button with thissymbol, located at the end of the windshield washerlever, to wash the windshield. The washer fluid spraysonto the windshield and the wipers run for a fewcycles to clear the windshield. Press and hold the buttonfor more wash cycles.Washer Fluid Low Add Fluid displays on the DriverInformation Center (DIC) when the washer fluid is low.See DIC Warnings and Messages on page 3-54.If the headlamps are on while the windshield is beingwashed, the headlamp washers, if the vehicle has them,will also turn on. See “Headlamp Washer” followingfor more information.3-11