Thresholds can also vary with specific vehicle design.Frontal airbags are not intended to inflate during vehiclerollovers, rear impacts, or in many side impacts.In addition, your vehicle has a dual-stage driver airbag.Dual-stage airbags adjust the restraint according tocrash severity. Your vehicle has electronic frontalsensors, which help the sensing system distinguishbetween a moderate frontal impact and a more severefrontal impact. For moderate frontal impacts, dual-stageairbags inflate at a level less than full deployment.For more severe frontal impacts, full deployment occurs.Your vehicle also has a dual-depth passenger airbagthat adjusts the restraint according to crash severity,seat location, and safety belt status using electronicfrontal sensors and other special sensors which enablethe sensing system to monitor the position of thefront passenger seat. The passenger airbag inflates to areduced depth when the passenger seat is in aforward position. For more rearward front seatingpositions, the passenger airbag may inflate to anincreased depth (a full deployment), based on the crashseverity measured early in the event. (Always wearyour safety belt, even with frontal airbags.)Your vehicle has seat position sensors which enablesthe sensing system to monitor the position of the driver’sand right front passenger’s seat. Seat position sensorsprovide information that is used to determine if theairbags should deploy at a reduced level or at fulldeployment.Your vehicle has seat-mounted side impact and roof-railairbags. See Airbag System on page 1-55. Seat-mountedside impact and roof-rail airbags are intended to inflate inmoderate to severe side crashes. In addition, theseroof-rail airbags are intended to inflate in a severe frontalimpact. Seat-mounted side impact and roof-rail airbagswill inflate if the crash severity is above the system’sdesigned threshold level. The threshold level can varywith specific vehicle design.Seat-mounted side impact airbags are not intended toinflate in frontal impacts, near-frontal impacts, rollovers,or rear impacts. Roof-rail airbags are not intended toinflate in rollovers or rear impacts. A seat-mounted sideimpact airbag is intended to deploy on the side ofthe vehicle that is struck. Both roof-rail airbags willdeploy when either side of the vehicle is struck or in asevere frontal impact.In any particular crash, no one can say whether an airbagshould have inflated simply because of the damage to avehicle or because of what the repair costs were. Forfrontal airbags, inflation is determined by what the vehiclehits, the angle of the impact, and how quickly the vehicleslows down. For seat-mounted side impact and roof-railairbags, deployment is determined by the location andseverity of the side impact.1-61