30 en | Camera AUTODOME IP starlight 5000i IR2023-01 | 1.3 | User Manual Bosch Security SystemsIR far intensity limitSelect the limit (percentage) of intensity for IR at far focus range. Values range from 0 to 100(default).For both intensity limit parameters, use a lower number to lower the percentage of intensity ifthe scene is overexposed with IR illumination.IR Operation RangeSelect the zoom factor or range for the IR light:– 1X-30X (default)– 10X-30X– 15X-30X– 20X-30XThe focal length of the lens determines the intensity level of the illuminator. The more thecamera zooms in, the more power is put on the IR near and far.Spotlight modeSelect On to set the camera in spotlight mode, which increases the IR intensity values at thezoom at which the camera is set. Use this mode to see objects at far distances when thecamera is zoomed to a wide angle. Note that an IR beam will be visible in the field of view.By default, this option is Off.5.11 AudioAudioYou can set the gain of the audio signals to suit your specific requirements. The live videoimage is shown in the window to help you check the audio source. Your changes are effectiveimmediately.If you connect via Web browser, you must activate the audio transmission on the 'Live'functions page. For other connections, the transmission depends on the audio settings of therespective system.The audio signals are sent in a separate data stream parallel to the video data, and so increasethe network load. The audio data is encoded according to the selected format and requiresadditional bandwidth. If you do not want any audio data to be transmitted, select Off.Input volumeSet the input volume using the slide. Values range from 0 to 119.Line OutSet the line output gain using the slider. Values range from 0 to 115.Recording formatSelect a format for audio recording. The default value is AAC 48 kbps. You can select AAC 80kbps, G.711 or L16 depending on the required audio quality or sampling rate.AAC audio technology is licensed by Fraunhofer IIS.(http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm/)5.12 Pixel CounterThe number of horizontal and vertical pixels covered by the highlighted area is displayedbelow the picture. With these values you can check whether the requirements for specificfunctions, for example, identification tasks, are fulfilled.1. Click Freeze to freeze the camera image if the object that you want to measure is moving.2. To reposition a zone, place the cursor over the zone, hold down the mouse button anddrag into position.