Push the lever up to lock thesteering wheel in that position.Make sure you have securelylocked the steering wheel in placeby trying to move it up and down.To adjust the steering wheel upwardor downward:Push the lever under the steeringcolumn all the way down.Move the steering wheel to thedesired position, making sure thewheel points toward your chest,not toward your face. Make sureyou can see the instrument panelgauges and the indicator lights.Make any steering wheel adjustmentbefore you start driving. page for important safetyinformation about how to properlyposition the steering wheel.18Controls Near the Steering WheelInstruments and ControlsSteering Wheel Adjustment76Adjusting the steering wheelposition while driving maycause you to lose control of thevehicle and be seriously injuredin a crash.Adjust the steering wheel onlywhen the vehicle is stopped.00/08/07 21:59:12 31S3V600_081