A Compact Disc changer is availablefor your vehicle. It holds up to sixdiscs, providing several hours ofcontinuous entertainment. Youoperate this CD changer with thesame controls used for the in-dashCD player.To select a different disc, press theappropriate preset button (1 6). Ifyou select an empty slot in themagazine, the changer will, afterfinding that slot empty, try to loadthe CD in the next slot. Thiscontinues until it finds a CD to loadand play.If you load a CD in the in-dash playerwhile the changer is playing a CD,the system will stop the changer andbegin playing the in-dash CD. Toselect the changer again, press theCD button. Play will begin where itleft off. Use the CD button to switchbetween the player and the changer.If you eject the in-dash CD while it isplaying, the system will automaticallyswitch to the CD changer and beginplay where it left off. If there are noCDs in the changer, the display willflash. You will have to select anothermode (AM or FM) with the FM orAM button.When you switch back to CD mode,the system selects the same unit (in-dash or changer) that was playingwhen you switched out of CD mode.To use the SKIP, REPEAT, andRANDOM functions, refer to the in-dash player operating instructions.Load the desired CDs in themagazine and load the magazine inthe changer according to theinstructions that came with the unit.Play only standard round discs. Odd-shaped CDs may jam in the drive orcause other problems.To select the CD changer, press theCD button. The disc and tracknumbers will be displayed.Operating the CD Changer(Optional)Audio SystemComfort and Convenience Features 18100/08/07 22:14:52 31S3V600_186