You can use the instrument panelbrightness control knob to adjust theillumination of the audio system (seepage ). The audio systemilluminates when the parking lightsare on, even if the radio is turned off.Your Acura’s radio can receive thecomplete AM and FM bands.Those bands cover these frequen-cies:AM band:530 to 1,710 kilohertzFM band:87.7 to 107.9 megahertzRadio stations on the AM band areassigned frequencies at least tenkilohertz apart (530, 540, 550).Stations on the FM band areassigned frequencies at least 0.2megahertz apart (87.9, 88.1, 88.3).Stations must use these exactfrequencies. It is fairly common forstations to round-off the frequency intheir advertising, so your radio coulddisplay a frequency of 100.9 eventhough the announcer may identifythe station as ‘‘FM101.’’How well your Acura’s radio receivesstations is dependent on manyfactors, such as the distance fromthe station’s transmitter, nearbylarge objects, and atmosphericconditions.A radio station’s signal gets weakeras you get farther away from itstransmitter. If you are listening to anAM station, you will notice the soundvolume becoming weaker, and thestation drifting in and out. If you arelistening to an FM station, you willsee the stereo indicator flickering offand on as the signal weakens.Eventually, the stereo indicator willgo off and the sound will fadecompletely as you get out of range ofthe station’s signal.Driving very near the transmitter ofa station that is broadcasting on afrequency close to the frequency ofthe station you are listening to canalso affect your radio’s reception.You may temporarily hear bothstations, or hear only the station youare close to.64Audio System LightingRadio Frequencies Radio ReceptionComfort and Convenience FeaturesAudio System17700/08/08 15:42:14 31S3V600_182