Apply the parking brake.In cold weather, turn off allelectrical accessories to reducethe drain on the battery.Make sure the shift lever is inPark. Press on the brake pedal.Without touching the acceleratorpedal, turn the ignition key to theSTART (III) position. If the enginedoes not start right away, do nothold the key in START (III) formore than 15 seconds at a time.Pause for at least 10 secondsbefore trying again.If the engine does not start within15 seconds, or starts but stallsright away, repeat step 4 with theaccelerator pedal pressed half-waydown. If the engine starts, releasepressure on the accelerator pedalso the engine does not race.If the engine still does not start,press the accelerator pedal all theway down and hold it there whilestarting in order to clear flooding.As before, keep the ignition key inthe START (III) position for nomore than 15 seconds. Return tostep 5 if the engine does not start.If it starts, lift your foot off theaccelerator pedal so the enginedoes not race.An engine is harder to start in coldweather. The thinner air found athigh altitude above 8,000 feet (2,400meters) adds to the problem.Use the following procedure:Turn off all electrical accessoriesto reduce the drain on the battery.Push the accelerator pedal half-way to the floor and hold it therewhile starting the engine. Do nothold the ignition key in START(III) for more than 15 seconds.When the engine starts, releasethe accelerator pedal gradually asthe engine speeds up and smoothsout.If the engine fails to start in step 2,push the accelerator pedal to thefloor and hold it there while youtry to start the engine for no morethan 15 seconds. If the enginedoes not start, return to step in Cold Weather at HighAltitude (Above 8,000 feet/2,400 meters)Starting the EngineDriving21000/08/07 22:19:10 31S3V600_215