The band and frequency that theradio was last tuned to is displayed.To change bands, press the AM orFM button. On the FM band, ST willbe displayed if the station is broad-casting in stereo. Stereoreproduction on AM is not available.The ignition switch must be inACCESSORY (I) or ON (II) tooperate the audio system. Turn thesystem on by pushing the PWR/VOL knob. Adjust the volume byturning the same knob.Operating the RadioAudio SystemComfort and Convenience Features172PPWWRR//VVOOLL KKNNOOBBFFMM BBUUTTTTOONNAAMM BBUUTTTTOONNTTUUNNEE KKNNOOBBSSCCAANN BBUUTTTTOONN SSEEEEKK BBUUTTTTOONNSSPPRREESSEETT BBUUTTTTOONNSS00/08/07 22:13:28 31S3V600_177