The top and bottom buttons adjustthe volume up ( ) or down ( ).Press the proper button and hold ituntil the desired volume is reached,then release it.The AUDIO/CH button has threefunctions, depending on whether youare listening to the radio, or playing acassette or CD.If you are listening to the radio, usethe AUDIO/CH button to changestations. Each time you press thisbutton, the system advances to thenext preset station on the band youare listening to. You will see thenumber of the selected Preset buttonin the display. To change bands,press the AM or FM button on theaudio system’s front panel.If you are playing a cassette, use theAUDIO/CH button to advance to thenext selection. You will see ‘‘FF’’blinking in the display when youpress the AUDIO/CH button. Thesystem fast forwards until it senses asilent period, then goes back toPLAY.If you are playing a CD, the systemskips to the beginning of the nexttrack each time you push theAUDIO/CH button. You will see thedisc and track number in the display.Two controls for the audio systemare mounted in the steering wheelhub. These let you control basicfunctions without removing yourhand from the wheel.Remote Audio ControlsAudio SystemComfort and Convenience Features 189AAUUDDIIOO//CCHHBBUUTTTTOONN00/08/07 22:16:08 31S3V600_194