33Usage, Tables and TipsTips on BakingBaking results Possible cause RemedyThe cake is not brownedenough at the bottomWrong shelf level Place cake on a lower shelfThe cake sinks (becomessoggy, lumpy, streaky)Oven temperature too high Use a slightly lower temperaturesettingBaking time too short Increase baking timeBaking times cannot bereduced by setting highertemperaturesToo much liquid in the dough/mixtureUse less liquidPay attention to mixing times,especially if using mixingmachinesCake is too dry Oven temperature too low Increase oven temperatureBaking time too long Shorten baking timeCake browns unevenly Oven temperature too high andbaking time too shortSet a lower temperature andincrease baking timeDough/mixture is unevenlydistributedSpread the dough/mixture even-ly on the baking trayCake is not cooked with-in the baking time setTemperature too low Use a slightly higher tempera-ture setting