– 33 –FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (cont)If InstalledManually Initiating a Fire Alarm1. Should you become aware of a fire emergency before your detectors sensethe problem, go to your nearest keypad and manually initiate an alarm bypressing the appropriate panic key(s), assigned for fire emergency (ifprogrammed by the installer).2. Evacuate all occupants from the premises.3. If flames and/or smoke are present, leave the premises and notify yourlocal Fire Department immediately.4. If no flames or smoke are apparent, investigate the cause of the alarm.The zone number(s) of the zone(s) in an alarm condition will be displayedat the keypad.Ask your installer which lettered key, or key pair, has been assigned formanually initiating a fire alarm, and place a check mark in the box next tothe assigned key or key pair.CHECK LETTERED KEYASSIGNED FOR FIRE CHECK KEY PAIR ASSIGNED FOR FIREA OR PRESS 1 and T AT SAME TIMEB OR PRESS T and # AT SAME TIMEC OR PRESS 3 and # AT SAME TIMEPress and hold the lettered key assigned for fire emergency for 2seconds. If the keypad does not have individual lettered keys, press thekey pair assigned for fire emergency.www.PDF-Zoo.com