4.2 General procedures4.2.1 Performing a leak-down testWhen to perform a leak-down testAfter refitting any motor and gearbox, the integrity of all seals enclosing the gearboxoil must be tested. This is done in a leak-down test.Required equipmentNoteArticle numberEquipment, etc.3HAC0207-1Leak-down tester-Leak detection sprayPerforming a leak-down testNoteActionFinish the refitting procedure of the motor or gear inquestion.1Art. no. is specified in Requiredequipment on page 190.Remove the topmost oil plug on the gear in questionand replace it with the leak-down tester.Regulators, which are included in the leak-down test,may be required.2Correct value:Use caution, apply compressed air and raise thepressure with the knob until the correct value isshown on the manometer.CAUTIONThe pressure must under no circumstance be higherthan 0.25 bar (20 - 25 kPa). Also during the time whenthe pressure is raised!30.2 - 0.25 bar (20 - 25 kPa)Disconnect the compressed air supply.4If the compressed air is signific-antly colder or warmer than thegearbox to be tested, a slightpressure increase or decreasemay occur. This is quite normal.Wait for approximately 8-10 minutes and make surethat no pressure loss occurs.5If any pressure drop occurred, then localize the leakas described in step 7.6If no pressure drop occurred, then remove the leak-down tester and refit the oil plug. The test is complete.Spray any suspected leak areas with the leak detec-tion spray. Bubbles indicate a leak.7When the leak has been localized, take the necessarymeasures to correct the leak.8190 Product manual - IRB 26003HAC035504-001 Revision: G© Copyright 2009-2015 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.2.1 Performing a leak-down test