Planning the cabinet installation 39Cooling and degrees of protectionCheck that...The cabinet has enough free space around the components for sufficient cooling.Observe the minimum clearances given for each component.The air inlets and outlets are equipped with gratings that guide the airflow, protectagainst contact, and prevent water splashes from entering the cabinet.The drawing below shows two typical cabinet cooling solutions. The air inlet is at thebottom of the cabinet, while the outlet is at the top, either on the upper part of the dooror on the roof.The air inlets and outlets are sufficient in size.Note: In addition to the power loss of the drive module, ventilate the heat dissipated bycables and other additional equipment.Cooling of the modules is arranged such that the requirements in Noise levels onpage 322 are met.Note: The values apply to continuous nominal load. If the load is less than nominal,less cooling air is required.Ambient temperature is within the limits specified in section Ambient conditions onpage 327.The installation site is sufficiently ventilated.In IP22 cabinets, the internal cooling fans of the modules are usually sufficient to keepthe component temperatures low enough.In IP54 cabinets, thick filter mats are used to prevent water splashes from entering thecabinet. This entails the installation of additional cooling equipment, such as a hot airexhaust fan.Air inletAir outlet