Program features 167Autophasing for permanent magnet synchronous motorsNote: Autophasing must be performed before the lift is in operation. Otherwiseuncontrolled movement of the lift can occur.Autophasing is an automatic measurement routine to determine the angular positionof the magnetic flux of a permanent magnet synchronous motor. The angular positionof the magnetic flux is required to control the motor torque accurately.Sensors like absolute encoders and resolvers indicate the position of the magneticflux at all times after autophasing is performed. A standard pulse encoder determinesthe rotor position only when it rotates. This requires a new autophasing at everypower-up.Note: Autophasing is not required if the angle of magnetic flux is known and/or storedin the encoder memory (EnDat or Hiperface).• If the angle is known, example, marked to motor name plate, it can be setmanually with parameter 97.17 POS OFFSET USER. It is also needed to setparameters 97.01 USE GIVEN PARAMS = UserPosOffs and 99.12 POS OFFSETSRC = Drive mem.• If the angle offset is stored in the encoder memory, it can be read by settingparameter 99.12 POS OFFSET SRC = Encoder mem. The reading from encodermust be triggered by selecting the parameter 90.06 ENC PAR REFRESH.Autophasing is performed with permanent magnet synchronous motors in thefollowing cases:• One-time measurement when an absolute encoder or resolver is used• At every power-up when an incremental encoder is usedșNSRotorAbsolute encoder/resolver