Using the control panel 101 Pointing the bit pointer parameter to a bit value in another signalThe bit pointer parameter points to the value of a bit in another signal, or can be fixedto 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE). For the latter option, see page 103. The bit pointerparameter points to a bit value (0 or 1) of one bit in a 32-bit signal. The first bit fromthe left is bit number 31, and the first bit from the right is bit number 0. For example,bit 01 stands for bit number 21 = 2, the second bit from the right, and number 00stands for bit number 20 = 1, the first bit from the right.When adjusting a bit pointer parameter on the control panel, POINTER is selected todefine a source from another signal. A pointer value is given in format P.xx.yy.zz,where xx = Parameter group; yy = Parameter index, zz = Bit number.Step Action Display1. Go to the Main menu by pressing if you arein the Output mode, otherwise by pressingrepeatedly until you get to the Main menu.2. Go to the Parameters option by selectingPARAMETERS on the menu with keys and, and pressing .3. Select the appropriate parameter group with keysand . Here the bit pointerparameter 12.04 DI01 OUT PTR is used as anexample.4. Press to select the appropriate parametergroup. Select the appropriate parameter with keysand . The current value of eachparameter is shown below its name.5. Press .MENUEXITEXIT ENTER00:00MAIN MENU 1LOCPARAMETERSFAULT LOGGERTIME & DATEENTER01 ACTUAL VALUES02 I/O VALUES03 CONTROL VALUES05 LIFT CTRL SIGNALS06 DRIVE STATUSEXIT SEL00:00PAR GROUPS 01LOC12 DIGITAL IO13 ANALOGUE INPUTS15 ANALOGUE OUTPUTS16 SYSTEM20 LIMITSEXIT SEL00:00PAR GROUPS 12LOCSEL1201 DI01 CONF99011202 DI02 CONF1203 DI03 CONF1204 DI01 OUT PTRP.01.01.00PARAMETERSEXIT EDIT00:00LOCEDIT1204 DI01 OUT PTRPAR EDITPointerCANCEL NEXT00:00LOC