106 Using the control panel Editing changed parametersStep Action Display1. Go to the Main menu by pressing if you arein the Output mode, otherwise by pressingrepeatedly until you get to the Main menu.2. Go to the Changed Parameters mode by selectingCHANGED PAR on the menu with keysand , and pressing .If there are no changed parameters in the history,corresponding text will be shown.3. If parameters are changed, a list of them is shown.Select the changed parameter on the list with keysand . The value of the selectedparameter is shown below it.4. Press to modify the value.5. Specify a new value for the parameter with keysand .Pressing the key once increments or decrementsthe value. Holding the key down changes the valuefaster. Pressing the keys simultaneously replacesthe displayed value with the default value.To accept the new value, press . If the newvalue is the default value, the parameter isremoved from the list of changed parameters.To cancel the new value and keep the original,press .MENUEXITPARAMETERSASSISTANTSCHANGED PAREXIT ENTER00:00MAIN MENU 1LOCENTER00:00No parametersMESSAGELOC9903 Mot nom current3.5 A9904 Mot nom voltage9905 Mot nom freq9906 Mot nom speedCHANGED PAREXIT EDIT00:00LOCEDIT9903 Mot nom currentPAR EDIT3.5 ACANCEL SAVE00:00LOC9903 Mot nom currentPAR EDIT3.0 ACANCEL SAVE00:00LOCSAVECANCEL9903 Mot nom current3.0 A9904 Mot nom voltage9905 Mot nom freq9906 Mot nom speedCHANGED PAREXIT EDIT00:00LOC