Program features 145 Jerk selectionThe Jerk selection function selects an appropriate jerk into use based on the elevatoroperation mode. The function allows you to:• define different jerk values for the different elevator operation modes• enable or disable the use of jerks. When parameter 25.91 JERK DISABLE isactivated, the jerks are internally set to a zero value.You can obtain the acceleration transition time during a jerk by dividing the selectedacceleration by the jerk value.The figure below illustrates how the drive uses the jerks.SettingsParameters Additional information25.80 ACC/DEC SEL Selects the source for the acceleration/deceleration set 1 oracceleration/deceleration set 2 used in the normal travel mode.25.81 ACC/DEC CHNG SPD Selects the speed limit in % to change between acc/dec set 1 and 2.25.82 ACC1 Defines the acceleration for set 1.25.83 DEC1 Defines the deceleration for set 1.25.84 ACC2 Defines the acceleration for set 2.25.85 DEC2 Defines the deceleration for set 2.25.86 INSPECT MODE ACC Defines the acceleration used in the inspection mode.25.87 INSPECT MODE DEC Defines the deceleration used in the inspection mode.25.88 EVAC MODE ACC Defines the acceleration used in the evacuation mode.25.89 EVACMODE DEC Defines the deceleration used in the evacuation mode.25.90 RELVL ACC/DEC Defines the acceleration/deceleration used in the releveling mode.Start Brake openJerk1Jerk2 Jerk3Jerk4Jerk5Jerk7 Jerk7RelevelingspeedTimeLeveling speedLeveling activeNominal or medium speedSpeedJerk6Jerk1Jerk2Jerk3Jerk4Jerk5Traveling speedLeveling speedJerk7Jerk6RelevelingspeedLeveling activeStart Brake openTimeSpeedJerk7