1-18Configuring cluster device blacklistFollow these steps to configure the cluster device blacklist on a management device:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter cluster view cluster —Add the MAC address of aspecified device to the clusterblacklistblack-list add-macmac-addressOptionalBy default, the cluster blacklistis empty.Delete the specified MACaddress from the clusterblacklistblack-list delete-macmac-address OptionalDelete a device from the clusteradd this device to the clusterblacklistdelete-member member-id[ to-black-list ] OptionalDisplays the information aboutthe devices in the clusterblacklistdisplay cluster black-listOptionalThis command can beexecuted in any view.Displaying and Maintaining Cluster ConfigurationTo do… Use the command… RemarksDisplay all NDP configuration and runninginformation (including the interval to sendNDP packets, the holdtime, and allneighbors discovered)display ndpDisplay NDP configuration and runninginformation on specified ports (includingthe neighbors discovered by NDP on theports)display ndp interface port-listDisplay global NTDP information display ntdpDisplay device information collected byNTDP display ntdp device-list [ verbose ]Display status and statistics informationabout the cluster display clusterDisplay information about the candidatedevices of the clusterdisplay cluster candidates[ mac-address H-H-H | verbose ]Display information about the memberdevices of the clusterdisplay cluster members[ member-number | verbose ]Available inany view.Clear the statistics on NDP ports reset ndp statistics [ interfaceport-list ]Available inuser view.