1-9Configuration PrerequisitesBefore configuring CDP compatibility, make sure that:z LLDP is enabled globally.z LLDP is enabled on the port connected to an IP phone and is configured to operate in TxRx modeon the port.Configuring CDP CompatibilityFollow these steps to enable LLDP to be compatible with CDP:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable CDP compatibilityglobally lldp compliance cdp RequiredDisabled by default.Enter Ethernet interface view interface interface-typeinterface-number RequiredConfigure CDP-compatibleLLDP to operate in TxRx modelldp compliance admin-status cdptxrxRequired, theconfiguration applies tothe current port only.By default,CDP-compatible LLDPoperates in disablemode.As the maximum TTL allowed by CDP is 255 seconds, your TTL configuration, that is, the product of theTTL multiplier and the LLDPDU sending interval, must be less than 255 seconds for CDP-compatibleLLDP to work properly with Cisco IP phones.Configuring LLDP TrappingLLDP trapping is used to notify NMS of the events such as new neighboring devices detected and linkmalfunctions.LLDP traps are sent periodically and you can set the interval to send LLDP traps. In response totopology changes detected, a device sends LLDP traps according to the interval configured to informthe neighboring devices of the changes.Follow these steps to configure LLDP trap:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter Ethernet interface view interface interface-type interface-number Required