1-13To do… Use the command… RemarksConfigure a shared FTP serverfor the cluster ftp-server ip-addressOptionalBy default, the managementdevice acts as the shared FTPserver.Configure a shared TFTPserver for the cluster tftp-server ip-addressOptionalBy default, no shared TFTPserver is configured.Configure a shared logginghost for the cluster logging-host ip-addressOptionalBy default, no shared logginghost is configured.Configure a shared SNMP hostfor the cluster snmp-host ip-addressOptionalBy default, no shared SNMPhost is configured.Configuring the network management interface for a cluster1) Configuration prerequisitesz The cluster switches are properly connected;z The shared servers are properly connected to the management switch.2) Configuration procedureFollow these steps to configure the network management interface for a cluster:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter cluster view cluster RequiredConfigure the networkmanagement (NM) interface forthe clusternm-interface Vlan-interfacevlan-idRequiredBy default, the managementVLAN interface is used as theNM interface.Configuring Member DevicesMember device configuration task listComplete the following tasks to configure the member device:Task RemarksEnabling NDP globally and on specific ports RequiredEnabling NTDP globally and on a specific port RequiredEnabling the cluster function RequiredAccessing the shared FTP/TFTP server from a member device Optional