1-6In this section, you must note the effective range of the same commands when executed in differentviews or to different types of passwords:z Global settings in system view apply to all local user passwords and super passwords.z Settings in the local user view apply to the local user password only.z Settings on the parameters of the super passwords apply to super passwords only.The priority of these settings is as follows:z For local user passwords, the settings in local user view override those in system view unless theformer are not provided.z For super passwords, the separate settings for super password override those in system viewunless the former are not provided.Configuring History Password RecordingWith this function enabled, when a login password expires, the system requires the user to input a newpassword and save the old password automatically. You can configure the maximum number of historyrecords allowed for each user. The purpose is to inhibit the users from using one single password orusing an old password for a long time to enhance the security.Table 1-4 Configure history password recordingOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view —Enable history passwordrecording password-control history enableOptionalBy default, history passwordrecording is enabled.Configure the maximumnumber of the historypassword recordspassword-control historymax-record-numberOptionalBy default, the maximumnumber is 4.z When the system adds a new record but the number of the recorded history passwords hasreached the configured maximum number, the system replaces the oldest record with the newone.z When you configure the maximum number of history password records for a user, the excessiveold records will be lost if the number of the history password records exceeds the configurednumber.z When changing a password, do not use the recorded history password; otherwise, the system willprompt you to reset a password.The system administrator can perform the following operations to manually remove history passwordrecords.