1-12[LSW-B-Vlan-interface2] ip address[LSW-B-Vlan-interface2] quit# Enable a VRRP group to respond to ping operations destined for its virtual router IP address.[LSW-B] vrrp ping-enable# Create a VRRP group.[LSW-B] interface vlan 2[LSW-B-Vlan-interface2] vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip Configure the preemptive mode for the VRRP group.[LSW-B-Vlan-interface2] vrrp vrid 1 preempt-modeThe IP address of the default gateway of Host A is configured as, Switch A functions as the gateway, but when Switch A is turned off or fails, Switch B willfunction as the gateway instead.Configure Switch A to operate in preemptive mode, so that it can resume its gateway function as themaster after recovery.VRRP Tracking Interface ConfigurationNetwork requirementsEven when Switch A is still functioning, Switch B (with another link to connect with the outside) canfunction as a gateway when the interface on Switch A and connecting to Internet does not functionproperly. This can be implemented by enabling the VLAN interface tracking function.The VRRP group ID is set to 1, with configurations of authorization key and timer.Network diagramFigure 1-4 Network diagram for interface tracking configurationLSW AHost BLSW BVlan-int310.100.10.2/24Vlan-int2202.38.160.1/24Vlan-int2202.38.160.2/24202.38.160.3/2410.2.3.1/24Host AInternetVirtual IP address202.38.160.111/24Vlan-int310.100.10.3/24