64 CHAPTER 7: SWITCH FABRIC M ANAGEMENT MODULES AND I NTERFACE M ODULES70-km Long Haul GBICTransceiverThe 70-km Gigabit Ethernet GBIC Fiber-Optic Transceiver (Model Number3CGBIC97) connects to the network using a fiber-optic duplex SC connector.Table 15 lists the transmission ranges for each GBIC 70-km connection.Hot Swap You can remove and replace a GBIC transceiver with the system powered on,which is called hot-swapping. This action does not disrupt operation for anyconnections in the Switch 4005 except those that are attached to the GBICmodule itself.Attaching andRemovingGBIC TransceiversBefore you can connect cabling to a GBIC Gigabit Ethernet Interface Module, youmust first insert the GBIC transceiver into the GBIC port on the module.To remove a GBIC transceiver, use one hand to compress the side tabs on thetransceiver and gently pull it out of the port.To attach a GBIC transceiver, follow these steps:1 Orient the transceiver so that the SC connector is facing toward you (Figure 23).Figure 23 Inserting the GBIC Transceiver2 Gently slide the transceiver into the GBIC port until the side tabs click into place.CAUTION: The transceiver is keyed so that you can only install it one way. If youinsert the transceiver and it does not slide in all the way, do not try to force it intoplace. Remove the transceiver, turn it over, and then reinsert it into the module.3 Attach the appropriate type of cabling to the SC port on the transceiver.Table 15 GBIC 70-km Transmission RangeFiber TypeDiameter(microns)Modal Bandwidth(MHz*km) Transmission RangeSingle-mode 9 – 10 – 70 km (6.2 – 43.4 mi)GBIC portDuplex SCconnectorGBICInterfaceModule