Data connection using USB port 4.4564.4 Data connection using USB portEasyGate device is equipped with virtual serial port that simulates standard COM portin PC according to specification RS-232C. Installation is described in section 3.1paragraph „Installation and setting of EasyGate PCManager“ points 1 to 3.The transmission rate ranges from 1200 to 115200 bps (EasyGate supportsautobauding, i.e. responds to an AT command at a rate identical with the AT commandtransmission rate, and retains set on this rate). The transmission setup must be 8 bits,no parity and one STOP bit (8N1).During the call establishing and terminating the serial interface of GSM module is usedby the central processor of EasyGate. During this time periods the communication withmodule is impossible. The communication is blocked by setting of the signals for flowcontrol on virtual COM port. All PC SW must provide transmission hardware flowcontrol (HW handshaking).CSD PC-PC Data TransmissionThe CSD mode provides data transmission in the GSM network at the maximumtransmission rate of 14400 bps. It works like a classic connection of two modems (ATcommands ATD, ATH, ATA, etc.). Connection can be made with another GSM modemor a PSTN modem. In UMTS network CSD connection usually is not supported.Cautionn Data calls and fax calls from the PSTN come as voice calls (the telephoneline on EasyGate rings) because an analog network is unable to distinguisha modem/fax call. Therefore, it is necessary to have a special telephonenumber for incoming data and fax calls on the SIM card different fromvoice call numbers (Multi-numbering scheme). The GSM network identifiesa call incoming to this number as a data/fax call and lets the COM serialinterface ring.Internet Data ConnectionGSM version of Easy Gate is equipped by GSM module Cinterion MC55i-w. This modulesupports data connection GPRS, the maximal speed is 85,6 kbps (download). Thisconnection is suitable for smaller amount of data transmit or the occasional access tointernet.UMTS version of Easy Gate is equipped by UMTS module Simcom SIM5320E(SIM5320A or SIM5320J for non-European versions). This module supports dataconnection GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA and HSDPA, the maximal speed is 3,6 Mbps(download). When the HSPA technology is accessible in the place, the gateway can beused for standard connection of PC to internet.