48 ClearStream CS615 User Manual - Copyright © 2008, 2007 Ziova CorporationUsing Your ClearStream PlayerWebRadio / ShoutCASTIf you have your player connected to a working Internet connection the ClearStreamhas the ability to play SHOUTcast stations directly from the Internet.Select WebRadio from the Main Menu and you can then choose from ‘Shoutcast’ orchoose a favourite radio station you have previously saved.Favorites Displays a list of your favourite Shoutcast stations. Favorites forShoutcast work the same as favourite network and hard disklocations.Shoutcast Allows you to browse, search and play Shoutcast stations.Finding a radio station is easy. The Shoutcast menu gives you the following options.Top 40 Displays a list of Top 40 stations.Random Displays a list of Random stations on the Shoutcast listings.By Genre Displays a list of different Genres. Clicking on a Genre displaysa list of stations matching that particular genre.By Keyword By Keyword allows you to search Shoutcast for stationsmatching your Keyword. You enter your keyword using theremote and Press ‘OK’. For example try searching for ‘eye97’When browsing stations the station title is displayed and then information about thestation is listed below. Information such as the Genre, the song now playing and theBitrate of the audio is displayed.To play a station, highlight it and press ‘OK’.You can save a station to favourites by highlighting it and pressing ‘ALT’ and then‘BKMARK’. Once you have saved a station to favorites you can start playing it againby choosing ‘Favorites’ from the WebRadio menu.To delete an unwanted favorite, highlight it and press the ‘STEP/TRASH’ button.The information displayed about the station may not necessarily be accurate as the Shoutcastlist that the player reads from can often be outdated.The higher the bitrate the more available bandwidth required to play back the stationsmoothly. Stations may buffer (skip and drop) when not enough bandwidth is available.