GNDD+D-GNDD+D-16.04.2008v_modbus_geraete_anschluss.vsdgeneral example for MODBUS device connectionThe data line must be connected from one device to the next. No other type of wiring is allowed!Always use only two wires of one lead (twisted pair) for the connection.Examples for MODBUS connectionRecommended wire types1. CAT5 / CAT7 cables2. J-Y (St) 2x2x0.6 (telephone wire)3. AWG22 (2x2 twisted pair)When using telephone flex with four cable cores, we recommend the following allocation:“A (D+)” = red, “B (D-)” = black, “GND” = whiteInformation• Pay attention to sufficient distance from powerlines and motor wires (min. 20 cm).• Do not use wire shield.• Except the data link "A (D+)", "B (D-)" and "GND"- connection may no further cable cores of thedata line be used.• Max allowed wire length 1000 m (CAT5/7 500 m).Default interface parameterBaudrate = 19200Bits = 8Parity = Even (None, exception of devices agriculture)Stop bits = 1Handshake = noneInformationIf any matters are unclear, please contact our V-STE support department for control systems -ventilation technology. The information sheet "Network structure of MODBUS" R-TIL08_01 containsdetailed information about "MODBUS".5.14.3 LON® Bus system is possible via add-on moduleConnection to the LON® bus system is possible via add-on module type “Z-Modul-L” (Part-No.380053). Communication to controller via the RS-485 interface, FTT-10A transceiver.Installation of add-on modules “Z-Modul-..” only from size FXDM12.. on possible, for smaller sizes inplanning!5.15 Potential at control voltage connectionsThe control voltage connections (< 50 V) relate to the joint GND potential (Exception: Relay contactsare potential free). There is a potential separation between the control voltage connections and theprotective earth. It must be ensured that the maximum external voltage at the control voltageconnections cannot exceed 50 V (between “GND” terminals and “PE” protective earth). If necessary, aconnection to the protective earth potential can be established, install bridge between “GND” terminaland the “PE” connection (terminal for screening).Operating Instructions Icontrol – model series FXDM Electrical installationL-BAL-E036-GB 1422 Index 008 Part.-No. 00154773-GB16/96