u L6: Torque DetectionNo.(Addr.Hex) Name Description Values PageL6-01(4A1)<1>Torque Detection Selection10: Disabled1: oL3 detection only active during speed agree, operation continues afterdetection2: oL3 detection always active during run, operation continues after detection3: oL3 detection only active during speed agree, output shuts down on an oL3fault4: oL3 detection always active during run, output shuts down on an oL3 fault5: UL3 detection only active during speed agree, operation continues afterdetection6: UL3 detection always active during run, operation continues after detection7: UL3 detection only active during speed agree, output shuts down on an oL3fault8: UL3 detection always active during run, output shuts down on an oL3 faultDefault: 0Range: 0 to 8 177L6-02(4A2)Torque Detection Level 1Torq Det 1 LvlSets the overtorque and undertorque detection level. Default: 15%Min.: 0Max.: 300 178L6-03(4A3)Torque Detection Time 1Torq Det 1 TimeSets the time an overtorque or undertorque condition must exist to triggertorque detection 1. Default: 10.0 sMin.: 0.0Max.: 10.0178L6-13(62E)Motor Underload ProtectionSelectionUnderload SelectSets the motor underload protection (ULo) based on motor load.0: Overtorque/undertorque detection enabled 0: Base Freq Enable1: Base frequency motor load enabled 1: Max Freq EnableDefault: 0Range: 0, 1 178L6-14(62F)Motor Underload ProtectionLevel at MinimumFrequencyUnderload LevelSets the UL6 detection level at minimum frequency by percentage of driverated current. Default: 15%Min.: 0Max.: 300 178<1> Available in bypass controller software versions VST800298 and later.u L8: Drive ProtectionNo.(Addr.Hex) Name Description Values PageL8-02(4AE)Overheat Alarm LevelOH Pre-Alarm LvlAn overheat alarm occurs when heatsink temperature exceeds the L8-02 level. Default: <1>Min.: 50 °CMax.: 150 °C179L8-05(4B1)Input Phase Loss ProtectionSelectionInp Ph Loss DetSelects the detection of input current phase loss, power supply voltageimbalance, or main circuit electrolytic capacitor deterioration.0: Disabled 0: Disabled1: Enabled 1: EnabledDefault: 1Range: 0, 1 179L8-06(4B2)Input Phase Detection LevelInp Ph Loss LvlWhen ripple is observed in the DC bus, expansion of the input bias iscalculated. This value becomes the input phase if the difference between themaximum and minimum values of the ripple is greater than the value set toL8-06.Detection Level = 100% = Voltage class x √2Default: <1>Min.: 0.0%Max.: 50.0%179L8-07(4B3)Output Phase LossProtection SelectionOutp Ph Loss Det0: Disabled 0: Disabled1: Enabled 1: 1PH Loss Det (triggered by a single phase loss)2: Enabled 2: 2/3PH Loss Det (triggered when two phases are lost)Default: 1Range: 0 to 2 179L8-09(4B5)Output Ground FaultDetection SelectionGrnd Flt Det Sel0: Disabled 0: Disabled1: Enabled 1: EnabledDefault: <1>Range: 0, 1 180L8-38(4EF)Carrier FrequencyReductionFc Reduct dur OL0: Disabled 0: Disabled1: Enabled below 6 Hz 1: Active below 6Hz2: Enabled for the entire speed range 2: Active @ any SpdDefault: <1>Range: 0 to 2 180<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.B.9 L: Protection Function330 YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP YAIZ1B 01E YASKAWA AC Drive – Z1000 Bypass Technical Manual