DocuColor 240/250DocuColor 240/250 Training and Information Guide 183GlossaryA3, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5 - These are common metric paper sizes.ADF - Automatic Document FeederAPS - Auto Paper Select.Auditron - a tracking system, which is built into the product. You can useAuditron to track overall machine usage, individual usage and usage of eachfeature separately.Auditron Administrator - a designated user, whose responsibility is to set upand maintain auditron accounts on the machine.Auto Answer Mode - an embedded fax mode where your machine isprogrammed to automatically answer calls.Auto Exposure - an image quality setting, which enhances documents that havecolored backgrounds. The product adjusts its settings for different types ofimages.Background Suppression - this feature prevents the reproduction of unwantedbackground variations resulting from originals that have either a coloredbackground or that are printed on very thin stock on which the images on thesecond side tend to 'bleed' through.Book Format - a multi page 2 sided document that opens to the left rather thanupwards. May also be known as Head to HeadBooklets - the images are automatically placed on the paper in a sequence that,when folded, creates a booklet. The machine has the ability to create booklets ona variety of paper stock.BPS - bits per second, fax transmission rate.Build Job - this feature allows the machine to accept multiple job segments andcombine them into a single job. Each segment can have different characteristicssuch as paper size, 1-or 2-sided images, or scanned either from the glass orthrough the Document Handler.Calendar format - a multi page 2 sided document that opens upwards ratherthan to the left. May also be known as Head to Toe.CCD - Charge-Coupled Device, converts the image of the document into a digitalimage.