8825/8830 DDS User Guide/12Getting to know the 8825/8830 DDSThe ScannerDDS User Interface (continued)Navigation KeysThe navigation keys, located beneath the Display, are used to move throughthe menu screens, to select items on the screen, and to specify parameterswhen an Options screen is displayed. Some keys have more than onefunction, depending on the screen being displayed at the time. These specialfunctions will be explained in later sections.The Menu key invokes the main menu. If a menu screen is already beingdisplayed, pressing this key exits the menus and directly returns to theprevious “Ready” state.The Previous key highlights the previous item in a displayed list.The Next key highlights the following item in a displayed list.The Enter key either confirms the selection of the currently highlighted item,or confirms an entered numeric value.The Exit key cancels a selection operation and returns the user to aprevious screen. It has other effects, depending upon the specific situation,that are explained later.Xerox 8830 DDS Transform SampleStop Start1 2 34 5 67 8 9. 0 C/CAPrinterInterruptStore/RecallMarginSets BuildFinisherPrevious Enter Exit ModeMenu NextREADY TO COPYINSERT DOCUMENT100.0%AUTO1