43Keys, doors, windows, sunroofNoteKeep replac ed m anual tra nsmitters forpossible reprogram ming. The manua ltransm itters can also continue to be used.If, after repeated a ttempts at execution ofthe a bove steps, a system cannot b eactuated with the universal remote control,seek the assistance of a workshop.During programming, the vehicle should bewithin the range of the receiver. Under nocircumstanc es should the vehicle be in themovement zone of a system (e.g . garagedoor).Do not programme a system without anautomatic safety stop (m anufacturedbefore April 1982).Take note of the sy stem manufacturer’ssafety instruc tions for drives and manualrem ote control units.Exterior mirrorsAdjusting exterior mir rors 3Ad justment using the four-way switch inthe driver’s door: If the outer mirror sw itch(1) is p ressed, the four-way switch opera testhe driver’s and front passenger’smirrors 3. If the inner mirror switch (2) ispressed, it only operates the frontpassenger’s mirror.The glass of the mirror is adjusted in therelev ant direction in accordance with theop eration of the four-way switch.Elec trica l seat adjustment withMemory function 3:If the inner m irror switch (2) is pressed, thefront passenger-side ex terior mirror ispointed automatically at the rear tyresafter rev erse g ear is eng aged, in order toassist parking (not if tow ing a carav an/tra iler) 3.Sw inging i n exterior mi rrorManually: The exterior mirrors can befolded in by gently pressing the outer edgeof the housing.Electrically 3 (both mirror sw itches mustnot be latched into position):Push four-way switch to the right:outside rear view mirrors swivel in.Push four-way switch to the left:outside rear view mirrors swivel out.Return the mirrors to the driving positionbefore starting-off.The mirrors can b e retra cted from theoutside: Press button p on the remotecontrol approx. 1 second . The m irrors willbe extended the next time the vehicle isunlocked.S wivelling only a llowed at speeds of up to4 mph (7 km /h).