115Instru men ts, c ontrolsRangeRange is calculated from current fuel tankcontent and instanta neous consumption.The d isplay shows average values.After refuelling, the v ehicle up dates therange autom atically after a brief delay .If less than 30 miles (50 k m) can be drivenwith the fuel rema ining in the tank, thewarning "Range" a ppears on the d isplay .If less than 20 miles (30 k m) can be drivenwith the fuel rema ining in the tank, thewarning "Refuel!" 3 appears on thedisplay.Acknowled ge the menu item as desc rib edon page 111.Resetting the trip c omputer inform ationThe follow ing trip computer informationcan be reset (reset to zero andmeasurements/calculations restarted):z Average consumption,z Effective consumption,z Average speed,z Distanc e travelled.Select the desired trip computerinformation.Reset using the left wheel on the steeringwheel or the right/left button of the four-way b utton:z Press for more than 2 seconds:C urrent value.z Press for more than 4 seconds:All values.St op wa tchO peration with the four-way button:z Press right button: Sta rt/Stop.z Press left button for more than2 second s: Reset.O perating using the left adjuster wheel 3on the steering wheel:z Press: Start/S top .I nt err up tion of pow er supp lyIf the power supp ly has been interrupted orif the battery voltage ha s dropped too low,the values stored in the trip computer w illbe lost.11:25} 21 .5°CRange257miles11:25} 21 .5°CStop Watch01:22:32 h