42 Keys, doors, windows, sunroof4. Press the button on the manual remotecontrol unit while pressing and holdingthe desired button of the univ ersalremote control.5. The control indica tor in the mirrorhousing will flash slowly at first. As soonas it flashes rapidly , release b othbuttons. The universal remote controlsystem is now programmed for thechosen system .6. To prog ra mme other buttons with othersystem s, repeat steps 3 to 5.If a sy stem cannot be operated afterrep eated programming, and the controlindicator flashes ra pidly for a short timeafter the relevant button has been pressedand then illuminates for 2 seconds, thereceiver may be equipped with a variablecode sy stem - see next column.Prog ramm ing the universal remot econtrol system for vari able code systems1. Perform b asic prog ra mming –see prev ious pag e.2. Activate synchronisation m ode ofsystem (see system manufac turer’sopera ting manual) and briefly press thepre-prog ra mmed button on theuniversal remote control three timeswithin 30 sec onds.3. The universal remote control system isnow programm ed for v ariable c od esystems. To program me other sy stemsfor variable codes, repeat steps 1 and 2for the other buttons on the universalrem ote control.Usi ng t he universal remote control systemWith the ignition on, press the requireduniversal remote control b utton and thecontrol indicator in the mirror housing willilluminate. The pre-programm ed systemcan now be operated using the universalremote control system .Reprog ramm ing indiv idual buttonsettingsIf a button that has already b eenprogramm ed is to b e used for a differentsystem, repeat steps 3 to 5 of the ba sicprogramm ing procedure describedpreviously.C lea ring all progra mmed but ton sett ingsBefore selling the vehicle, it is a good id eato erase button setting s.Button setting s ca n only be erased all atonce. It is not possible to erase ind iv idualbutton setting s. Buttons can, however, beindividually reprogrammed - see"Reprogramming indiv idua l buttonsettings".In order to erase the programm ing of all3 buttons, press both outer buttons andrelease a s soon as the LED begins to flash(after approx. 20 seconds). All buttonsettings have now been clea red and canbe programm ed a new at any time.