141Climate controlAutomatic air conditioningsystem 3Provides a comfortab le interior regardlessof the w eather, outside temperature orseason.When an interior temperature is set withthe temperature control, the temperatureand am ount of inflowing air areautomatically regulated. A uniform,comfortable climate in the vehic le isthereby automatically obtained b ased onoutside climate conditions.Autom atic air conditioning sy stem 3 –see page 150.Electronic Climate Control 3Offers the g reatest comfort in the vehicleinterior regardless of the c onditionsoutside.To ensure a uniform and comfortableclimate in the vehic le, the tem perature ofinflowing air, air-flow rate and a irdistribution are a utomatica lly adaptedbased on the climate cond itions outsidethe vehicle and the current tem perature ofthe vehicle interior.The set values ap pear on the informationdisplay.Electronic Clima te C ontrol 3 –see page 156.