18 In briefAirbag systemThe a irb ag system c onsists of severalseparate systems.Front airb ag systemThe front airbag system will be triggered inthe event of a serious ac cident involving afrontal impact and forms safety cushionsfor the driver and front passenger.The forward movem ent of the d riv er andfront passenger is check ed a nd the risk ofinjuries to the upper body a nd head arethereby substantially reduced.Side airb ag system 3The side a irb ag system triggers when aside-on collision occurs a nd provides asafety barrier for the driver and/or frontpassenger in the respective front doorarea. This reduc es the risk of injury to theup per body considera bly, in the event of aside-impact.C ur tain ai rbag syst em 3The curtain a irba g system triggers in theevent of a side-on collision and provides asafety barrier in the head area on therespective side of the v ehicle. This red ucesthe risk of injury to the head considera bly inthe event of a side-on collision.6 Airb ag systems 3 – see page 81.