64Troubleshooting6 78 91011121234513Figure 64-1 1. Menu2. Programs3. VRI4. Managed Zone5. Edit Managed Zone6. Left Angle Field7. Right Angle Field8. Inner Sprinkler Field9. Outer Sprinkler Field10. Duty Cycle11. Save12. Cancel13. Delete Managed ZoneICON5 / ICONXEdit Managed ZonesUsed to change the zone settings.1. Push Menu, Programs, and VRI to display theVRI screen. See Figure 64-1.2. Select the Managed Zone field and enter theManaged Zone using the numeric keypad.3. Push the Edit Managed Zone button to displaythe Edit Managed Zone screen.4. To make a change select the required field:(a) Select the Left Angle field and enter the LeftAngle using the numeric keypad. See Figure64-1.(b) Select the Right Angle field and enter theRight Angle using the numeric keypad.(c) Select the Inner Sprinkler field and enter theInner Sprinkler using the numeric keypad.(d) Select the Outer Sprinkler field and enterthe Outer Sprinkler using the numeric key-pad.(e) Select the Duty Cycle field and enter theDuty Cycle using the numeric keypad.• The Duty Cycle is entered in whole num-bers between 0 and 100.5. Push the Save button to save the Managed Zonevalues or push Cancel to return to the VRI-iSscreen without saving the values. To delete theManaged Zone, push Delete Managed Zonebutton.