43CALLPROGRAM SPEEDSLEEPCANCELMUTEPOWERCLOSEDCAPTIONINPUTSELECTCHANNELRETURNZERORETURNTIMERREC0879654321MENUENTERDIGITALTRACKINGPAUSE/STILLTRACKINGINDEXSTOPPLAYFFREWCOUNTERRESETTV MONITORSKIPSEARCHEJECTVOL+++––VOL–CH–CH+REC85NOTES: • The VCR section cannot be used while the TIMER REC indicator is lit. If you want to use the VCR operation,press both TIMER REC at the same time to deactivate the timer.• After a power failure or disconnection of the power plug, all programed recording setting and time display will be lostupon resumption of power. In this case, reset the clock (see pages 15~17) and reprogram any timer recordings.36To set the timer for another program repeatsteps 3 to 6 to set the second program.5 Set the start time, end time, channel and tapespeed as in step 4.872 3 T HÐ Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð Ð Ð Ð7 : 0 0PM 9 : 3 0PM 0 0 7Ð : Ð Ð Ð : Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ : Ð Ð Ð : Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ : Ð Ð Ð : Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ : Ð Ð Ð : Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ : Ð Ð Ð : Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ : Ð Ð Ð : Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð ÐÐ : Ð Ð Ð : Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð/ / ENTER/CANCEL/MENUSLP/ / / / ENTER/MENUTIMER REC SETDATE 2 3(THU)START 7:0 0PMEND 9:3 0PMCH 0 0 7SPEED SLPTo cancel timer recording, press both the buttons againand TIMER REC indicator will go off.Press both TIMER REC at the same time. TheTIMER REC indicator will light.When the programed time is reached, the record-ing is automatically started.65TIMERRECTIMER REC6ENTERPress ENTER.5L80101C P34-43 20/4/04, 16:2243