35CALLPROGRAM SPEEDSLEEPCANCELMUTEPOWERCLOSEDCAPTIONINPUTSELECTCHANNELRETURNZERORETURNTIMERREC0879654321MENUENTERDIGITALTRACKINGPAUSE/STILLTRACKINGINDEXSTOPPLAYFFREWCOUNTERRESETTV MONITORSKIPSEARCHEJECTVOL+++––VOL–CH–CH+RECTO START PLAYBACK1 2PLAYBACKTo play a prerecorded tape.To turn on the TV/VCR, press POWER. Load a prerecorded tape. (When loading acassette tape without the erase prevention tab,playback will start automatically.)3 1TO STOP PLAYBACK3 Press PLAY to begin playback.“ ” will appear on the screen.NOTE: This TV/VCR selects the playback tape speed SP or SLP automatically.Press STOP once. The tape will stop, but remain fullyloaded and ready to play. “ ” will appear on thescreen.PLAY STOPSTOP5L80101C P34-43 20/4/04, 16:2235