13CALLPROGRAM SPEEDSLEEPCANCELMUTEPOWERCLOSEDCAPTIONINPUTSELECTCHANNELRETURNZERORETURNTIMERREC0879654321MENUENTERDIGITALTRACKINGPAUSE/STILLTRACKINGINDEXSTOPPLAYFFREWCOUNTERRESETTV MONITORSKIPSEARCHEJECTVOL+++––VOL–CH–CH+REC3STARTING SETUPThe STARTING SETUP function makes installing your TV/VCR easily. It leads you the Language selection,TV/CABLE selection, auto channel memory and auto clock setting automatically.IMPORTANT: Make sure that the antenna or cable TV system connection is made!Press s or t to select “TV” or “CABLE”,then press ENTER.4 Now the “AUTO CH MEMORY” starts.After it completed the “AUTO CLOCK” startsautomatically. After the starting setup is com-pleted, the TV channel appears on the screen.Press s or t to select “START”, then pressENTER.If you select “CANCEL” and press ENTER, theSTARTING SETUP stops and changes to the TVscreen.2312LANGUAGE/IDIOMA/LANGUEENGLISHESPAÑOLFRANCAIS/ / ENTER ><CHANNEL PLANTVCABLE/ / ENTER ><AUTO SETUPSTARTCANCEL/ / ENTER ><AUTO CH MEMORYSTOP : CANCELAUTO CLOCKSTOP : CANCELA11 CANCELENTERENTERENTERPress POWER.The starting setup function begins and theLanguage setup menu appears on the screen.Press s or t to select your desired language,then press ENTER.NOTES: • The starting setup function will work only when you press the POWER button for the first time.• The auto clock function uses the EDS (Extended Data Service) information carried on the channel signal.If the antenna signal is weak or there are no channels with EDS informations, the auto clock function maynot set the time. In this case you must set the clock manually (see page 17).• In “AUTO CLOCK” setting, it may take more than 10 minutes to read the EDS signal for onechannel, which has only “Time of day” or “Local time zone”.5L80101C P10-19 20/4/04, 16:1913