39CALLPROGRAM SPEEDSLEEPCANCELMUTEPOWERCLOSEDCAPTIONINPUTSELECTCHANNELRETURNZERORETURNTIMERREC0879654321MENUENTERDIGITALTRACKINGPAUSE/STILLTRACKINGINDEXSTOPPLAYFFREWCOUNTERRESETTV MONITORSKIPSEARCHEJECTVOL+++––VOL–CH–CH+RECRECORDING AND VIEWING THE SAME TV PROGRAMRECORDING A TV PROGRAMTV - VHF/UHF channelsCABLE - Cable TV channelsTo turn on the TV/VCR, press POWER.00:00:00 SP2431Press SPEED to select the desired tape speedSP or SLP. The counter and SP or SLP will ap-pear on the screen about 4 seconds.Set the TV/CABLE selection to the appropriateposition (see page 22).NOTES: • If power is switched off during recording, the TV set goes off and the VCR continues to record.Press STOP to halt the recording and turn off the VCR.• The TV/VCR Channel cannot be changed during recording.31POWERSPEEDSTOPLoad a cassette tape with the erase preventiontab intact.5L80101C P34-43 20/4/04, 16:2239