38CALLPROGRAM SPEEDSLEEPCANCELMUTEPOWERCLOSEDCAPTIONINPUTSELECTCHANNELRETURNZERORETURNTIMERREC0879654321MENUENTERDIGITALTRACKINGPAUSE/STILLTRACKINGINDEXSTOPPLAYFFREWCOUNTERRESETTV MONITORSKIPSEARCHEJECTVOL+++––VOL–CH–CH+REC1TO WATCH A TAPE REPEATEDLY43TIMER REC SETAUTO REPEAT/ / / / MENUONPress MENU.Press B or A to select option.Press s or t to select “AUTO REPEAT”.Press MENU repeatedly until menu screen iscleared.If you press PLAY, the tape will play over andover until the repeat mode is canceled.Press B or A to select “ON”.NOTE: To cancel auto repeat function, follow above steps 1 and 2, then press B or A to select “OFF”.Press MENU to return to the TV.The auto repeat function is canceled automatically when the unit is switched off or the tape is ejected.221 41SPECIAL PLAYBACK (CONTINUED)MENUMENU3TIMER REC SETAUTO REPEAT/ / / / MENUOFFTIMER REC SETAUTO REPEAT/ / / / MENUOFF5L80101C P34-43 20/4/04, 16:2238